winger/eifo1's corner

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blog final redesign

in late 2020, i began developing for the first time using the csharp language paired with unity. 6 months later (still in quarentine mind you), i decided game development wasn't for me, and switched to html and css. that is around the same time this website was born. the first iteration of this website, is actually the one i am most proud of. it didn't look very good, but it was creative. as my skills grew exponentially (i think i spelled that right) over the next 2 years, my creativity has dulled. my work now looks pretty good, just uncreative. this is the way the website will stay since i like the plain 2000s webpage look. for bricktown users: at this point, since releasing, programming anything related to that project feels like a job (without pay of course). if you're an avid bricktown user reading this blog post, i'll still do some of the work, it's just it's nowhere near as fun as it was whenever i started the website. i have also began to have to deal with people spamming my dms with questions related to the site, nagging me to release items (i dont even do asset development), and people nagging me to add things to the website, which, i have no right to be complaining about it, i'm the creator so i'm responsible for my own mistakes in releasing the site too early, but i released too early because i thought it would pressure me to get my work done; and it has done quite the opposite. the bopimo general discussion "conversation" (friendly debate D;) didn't really bother me all that much; some of the points they made were correct, and some were really fucking dumb, but hey, you're blinded by the light when you're sucking that much dick, i don't blame them. shit, i'm getting off track, weird tangent hehe

a month ago i started going by the name winger, lied to everyone i've talked to about being eifo1 (i said i was not fyi), which, is a lie, and most have figured it out since i was too lazy to clear my github projects after changing my name. you'd never think you would plaster your alias all over your github projects, and yet when it comes down to business, you do. sorry to anyone i've wronged as eifo1, but to be honest it was so many people i was a dick to that it's hard to remember the cases

at this point, this website will basically just be updated in my freetime, i'm still a student and have a wee bit more years before i graduate, so this will be updated periodically for like 3 or 4 years. periodically as in once every 6 months because sometimes i just have way too much going on, but i'll write a blog post whenever i feel like writing one