hi all. since i bet my left nut that nobody browses this website, it's almost like my personal diary. so, i wont really put any restrictions on my word use here. for those ACTUALLY reading this, there is probably some strong language in here, so, be advised. no more than usual though, if you know me personally.
the sandbox community is a community i've been in since 2017, 6 years, going on 7. and to be honest, this community gives me mixed feelings. once, when i was naive, in 2017, joining up to bloxcity, i said i had loved this kind of... alternate roblox community. but that was years ago. now, it's a saddening barren wasteland. isaac hymer, doing his umpteenth run of brickplanet. just 8 months ago, alexander dunn, ceo of brick-hill, taken into custody for meeting up with a 16 year old girl he traveled to another country for. the sandbox community, to me, should have been about creating alternatives to roblox. that's why people looked up to it in the first place, it was something different, yet not something entirely new either.
what really astonishes me, is that anyone can run a sandbox site. anyone and their mother can just skid a website and get a rough draft going for their brand new shitty social media site. that's how i started out last year, or rather, i was just testing the waters with copilot. ironically it wrote half of my first (real) website. of course i got off this immediately, copilot was a drug and i was addicted. i'm a year clean. anyway, it amazes me how if any developer with a dream and a keyboard can get a half decent sandbox running within the year, it's amazing to me how none of them have really ever succeeded. i'm not talking about getting a shit ton of users, bloxcity and brick-hill, polytoria even have done that. i'm talking achieved what they wanted to solve; become an actual competitor to roblox. nobody's stood to the test, and that's changing. we have teams of top people finally getting their chip, polytoria's client is amazing, brick-hill, although going down the shitter currently, still has potential, even if their owner was a pedo. bopimo, i never really saw the appeal, and i've picked fun at it before. but really, i pick fun at things i'm jealous of. bopimo is the only hope this community's got, and firecat said himself that he doesn't consider bopimo a "sandbox site", of course, it's not really his decision, but it's still the best we've got. i created bricktown to hopefully try to do my part and solve what i originally saw in other sites when coming to this community; an alternative; a successor; a new home.
but bricktown probably won't ever get there. this is probably just cynical tired me talking, but bricktown has always been run by me. just me. i wince at the idea of people contributing to my projects. i hesitate hiring people; even if they are more than competent. i even hesitate on partnership opprotunities. it's hard to accept help when in the back of my mind, hiring someone could be the difference between losing it all and prospering. i guess what i'm trying to say is, i don't work well with other people. running a sandbox website by yourself is impossible. if you overcome this, and pick the right group of people to standby, you might just reach your goal at the end.